Laugh Lines/Nasal Labial Lines Toronto

Laugh lines also called smile lines or nasolabial folds, occur when you move your mouth frequently. The movement results in fine lines and wrinkles that form around your nasolabial folds. Nasolabial folds are deep folds that are deep wrinkles or lines that form from the bottom of the nose and extend down from the corns of your mouth. Regardless of age, people experience a loss of volume, decreased collagen production, and dehydrated skin, resulting in wrinkles and fine lines on the face.

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Do You Want to Get Your Laugh Lines Removed?

People as young as 20 who are being proactive with their skincare routine can consider getting the procedure to remove laugh or smile lines. Early intervention can benefit you in the long run, as without treatment, wrinkles and fine lines can deepen, making it more difficult to fill and smooth out. If you want to remove laugh lines, prevention is key.

What Does the Nasolabial Treatment Entail?

We inject dermal fillers into your cheeks to lift and directly into the nasolabial fold area, making the laugh lines less noticeable. We determine what dermal filler we need to use to correct the laugh lines based on the volume you’ve lost and the depth of your wrinkles and fine lines. With the right product, we’ll inject them into the selected areas. The entire procedure takes around 30 minutes to one hour, depending on the number of areas requiring treatment. After the procedure, you may experience temporary swelling for 7 to 10 days, but you can resume your routine right after your treatment. The results will last from 6 to 12 months. 

Get rid of your laugh lines, as their dulling all your amazing facial features by taking all the spotlight from them. Contact Beauty Boost Bar to make an appointment today!