What Are Neuromodulators?

BOTOX® Cosmetic and Nucieva® are botulinum toxin type A. BOTOX® has been used for decades. Botulinum toxin is a purified protein that is used to relax muscles that cause wrinkles and expression lines. It works by blocking signals from the nerves to the muscles. After injecting the muscles safely, the areas will no longer contract, causing wrinkles to relax and soften. Effects are temporary and generally last 3-4 months, at which point wrinkles gradually reappear and can be retreated. With repeated visits, treatment lines and wrinkles may become less severe as the muscles have been conditioned to relax.

What Are Neuromodulators?

BOTOX® Cosmetic and Nucieva® are botulinum toxin type A. BOTOX® has been used for decades. Botulinum toxin is a purified protein that is used to relax muscles that cause wrinkles and expression lines. It works by blocking signals from the nerves to the muscles. After injecting the muscles safely, the areas will no longer contract, causing wrinkles to relax and soften. Effects are temporary and generally last 3-4 months, at which point wrinkles gradually reappear and can be retreated. With repeated visits, treatment lines and wrinkles may become less severe as the muscles have been conditioned to relax.

Why Botox/Nuceiva injections?

Wrinkle smoothing injections have quickly become the most requested, non-surgical treatment to fight the signs of aging. BOTOX® Cosmetic and Nucieva® are the quickest and simplest non-surgical procedure options available for patients today.

Men and women consider BOTOX® Cosmetic and Nucieva® treatments when they begin to notice signs of aging, such as: moderate to severe vertical lines between the eyebrows. These worry lines or “number 11” lines can make someone appear angry and aged. Other areas include forehead lines, lines around the eyes (commonly known as crow’s feet), and lipstick/smoker’s lines around the mouth. This medication can be injected safely into certain muscles.

This causes a controlled weakening of the muscles and in turn, smooths and softens the appearance of wrinkles in the skin. The entire procedure can be performed under 15 minutes, and the effects begin to show within 3-4 days after your appointment. The maximum results of the treatment will be seen within 10-14 days post-procedure. Results vary based on factors such as the area treated and the frequency of injection, usually the results last 3-4 months.

Other uses of this medication include treating migraines, stopping muscle spasms, and reducing excessive sweating in the underarms or on the hands. Neuromodulators can also be used to help treat TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) and jaw tension for many patients. These injections also help eliminate headaches related to teeth grinding, and in cases of severe stress, neuromodulators can help minimize lockjaw. Also, another popular outcome of TMJ injections includes facial slimming at the jawline, the desired outcome that has been popular and in demand over the last few years.

Complimentary Consultation

Our medical team of specialists are here to help you start your aesthetic journey. During your initial consultation, you will discover that our experience caters to anti-aging. We will help guide you to achieve ultimate skin health by utilizing an effective treatment plan specific to your goals. We are here to make your beauty experience effortless.

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